Friday, January 18, 2008

Tasha in the MSM

Rose Rollins in The Daily News.

You can just hear Chaiken's hard drive whirring to life when she thought about casting a new black character -- Hmm, she could be a basketball player ... [she actually considered this].

Well, that didn't happen -- Tasha was destined for the battlefield instead of center court. Chaiken must have put a finger to her lips and said, Hmm, we could really make this current ... Iraq war ... don't ask, don't tell ... hmm.
Key graf:

"When we created the character of Tasha, one of my writers said to me, we should do a lesbian who serves in the military, somebody who serves in Iraq," says series creator and writer Ilene Chaiken.
There are those in life who refer to the people who work under them in the possessive -- my staff, my writers, etc., etc. -- I don't know about you, but I'm guessing that these are insecure people who never expected to succeed and, now that they have, won't let anyone, ANYONE DAMMIT, ever forget it.

Just remember this is from a woman who initially envisioned a show about lesbians called Earthlings where Pam Grier would wear a sailor's cap.
2nd key graf:

Since launching on Showtime in 2004, "The L Word," has earned favorable critical notice for strong dramatic writing and sizzling sex scenes.
Ok, I follow the MSM fairly closely -- where exactly are these "favorable critical notice[s]"? I've trolled Lexis and as far as I can tell no respectable news organization has reviewed the new season. If anything, the silence is deafening.

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